Source code for mail_templated.message

.. module:: mail_templated.message
   :synopsis: Main classes of django-mail-templated package.

.. moduleauthor:: Artem Rizhov <>

from django.core import mail
from django.template import Context
from django.template.loader import get_template
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe

from .conf import app_settings

[docs]class EmailMessage(mail.EmailMultiAlternatives): """ Extends standard EmailMultiAlternatives class with ability to use templates See Also -------- :class:`django.core.mail.EmailMessage` Documentation for the standard email message classes. """ _extra_context = None _extra_context_fingerprint = None
[docs] def __init__(self, template_name=None, context={}, *args, **kwargs): """ Initialize single templated email message (which can be sent to multiple recipients). When using with a user-specific message template for mass mailing, create new EmailMessage object for each user. Think about this class instance like about a single paper letter (you would not reuse it, right?). The class tries to provide interface as close to the standard Django classes as possible. |main_difference| All parameters are optional and can be set at any time prior to calling the :meth:`render()` and :meth:`send()` methods. Note ---- .. |args_note| replace:: The set of possible parameters is not limited by the list below. Any additional parameters are passed to the constructor of :class:`EmailMultiAlternatives <django.core.mail.EmailMessage>` class. |args_note| .. |template_name| replace:: The template name that extends `mail_templated/base.tpl` with (optional) blocks ``{% subject %}``, ``{% body %}`` and ``{% html %}``. .. |context| replace:: A dictionary to be used as a context for template rendering. .. |from_email| replace:: The email address for the "From:" field. .. |recipient_list| replace:: The recipient email addresses. Each member of this list will see the other recipients in the "To:" field of the email message. .. |subject| replace:: Default message subject. Used if ``{% subject %}`` block is empty or does not exist in the specified email template. .. |body| replace:: Default message body. Used if ``{% body %}`` block is empty or does not exist in the specified email template. .. |render| replace:: If ``True``, render template and set ``subject``, ``body`` and ``html`` properties immediately. Default is ``False``. Arguments --------- template_name : str |template_name| context : dict |context| from_email : str |from_email| recipient_list : list |recipient_list| Keyword Arguments ----------------- subject : str |subject| body : str |body| render : bool |render| clean : bool If ``True``, remove any template specific properties from the message object. This may be useful if you pass ``render=True``. Default is ``False``. """ self.template_name = template_name self.context = context subject = kwargs.pop('subject', None) body = kwargs.pop('body', None) render = kwargs.pop('render', False) clean = kwargs.pop('clean', False) self.template = None self._is_rendered = False super(EmailMessage, self).__init__(subject, body, *args, **kwargs) if render: self.render() if clean: self.clean()
@property def is_rendered(self): return self._is_rendered @property def extra_context(self): cls = self.__class__ tag_var_format = str(app_settings.TAG_VAR_FORMAT) tag_format = str(app_settings.TAG_FORMAT) if cls._extra_context_fingerprint != (tag_var_format, tag_format): cls._extra_context = dict( (tag_var_format.format(BLOCK=block.upper(), BOUND=bound.upper()), mark_safe(tag_format.format(block=block, bound=bound))) for block in ('subject', 'body', 'html') for bound in ('start', 'end')) cls._extra_context_fingerprint = (tag_var_format, tag_format) return cls._extra_context
[docs] def load_template(self, template_name=None): """ Load a template by it's name using the current :ref:`template loaders <django:template-loaders>`. Arguments --------- template_name : str |template_name| If not specified then the :attr:`~mail_templated.EmailMessage.template_name` property is used. """ self.template = get_template(template_name or self.template_name)
[docs] def render(self, context=None, clean=False): """ Render email with provided context Arguments --------- context : dict |context| If not specified then the :attr:`~mail_templated.EmailMessage.context` property is used. Keyword Arguments ----------------- clean : bool If ``True``, remove any template specific properties from the message object. Default is ``False``. """ # Load template if it is not loaded yet. if not self.template: self.load_template(self.template_name) # The signature of the `render()` method was changed in Django 1.7. # if hasattr(self.template, 'template'): context = (context or self.context).copy() else: context = Context(context or self.context) # Add tag strings to the context. context.update(self.extra_context) result = self.template.render(context) # Don't overwrite default value with empty one. subject = self._get_block(result, 'subject') if subject: self.subject = self._get_block(result, 'subject') body = self._get_block(result, 'body') is_html_body = False # The html block is optional, and it also may be set manually. html = self._get_block(result, 'html') if html: if not body: # This is an html message without plain text part. body = html is_html_body = True else: # Add alternative content. self.attach_alternative(html, 'text/html') # Don't overwrite default value with empty one. if body: self.body = body if is_html_body: self.content_subtype = 'html' self._is_rendered = True if clean: self.clean()
[docs] def send(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Send email message, render if it is not rendered yet. Note ---- Any extra arguments are passed to :class:`EmailMultiAlternatives.send() <django.core.mail.EmailMessage>`. Keyword Arguments ----------------- clean : bool If ``True``, remove any template specific properties from the message object. Default is ``False``. """ clean = kwargs.pop('clean', False) if not self._is_rendered: self.render() if clean: self.clean() return super(EmailMessage, self).send(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def clean(self): """ Remove any template specific properties from the message object. Useful if you want to serialize rendered message without template-specific properties. Also allows to avoid conflicts with Djrill/Mandrill and other third-party systems that may fail because of non-standard properties of the message object. The messages should be rendered already, or you will have to setup the ``context`` and ``template``/``template_name`` after deserialization. In most cases you can pass the ``clean`` parameter to the constructor or another appropriate method of this class. """ del self.context del self.template del self.template_name
def _get_block(self, content, name): marks = tuple(app_settings.TAG_FORMAT.format(block=name, bound=bound) for bound in ('start', 'end')) start, end = (content.find(m) for m in marks) if start == -1 or end == -1: return return content[start + len(marks[0]) : end].strip('\n\r') def __getstate__(self): """ Exclude Template objects from pickling, b/c they can't be pickled. """ return dict((k, v) for k, v in self.__dict__.items() if not k in ('template',)) def __setstate__(self, state): """ Reinitialise the `template` property. It will be loaded if needed. """ self.__dict__ = state self.template = None